Take My Online Class Craigslist

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by Will Martins / Updated November 20, 2020

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I have recently been struggling with my classes and had no time to prepare for them properly. So I thought, I need someone to take my online class, Craigslist could help me with that.

After all, it's an online test, and no one would know about it, right? Meanwhile, I could keep my attention on working without the risk of losing my job as well.

I went on and posted a take my online class for me Craigslist ad. I did it with enough time before the deadline, so I was able to wait for replies and select the person who seemed the most trustworthy to me.

Besides, she was asking less money for her services than others, and, naturally, that was a decisive factor for me. Any working student will know how nice it is to save some money on things you absolutely need.

So, finding Craigslist take my online class responders was really not difficult, there are enough people looking for such ads.

Can you trust them, though? Only if you are desperate which is usually the case.

Is there any guarantee they will do as promised? There isn't, and I had to learn it the hard way.

Why Using Craigslist Might be Dangerous

Once I narrowed the list of candidates to one person, I gave her my login information and made sure she was from my city so that there would be no suspicious location showing up at my university.

You see, I thought I was being smart. Oh, how naŃ—ve of me. We agree that I would pay 50% upfront and the rest after the test. However, when the test was done, my "savior" demanded an increased fee, which was 100% of the initial sum.

I tried to argue that we had an agreement, and I was going to fulfill my part of it by paying the remaining 50%. After all, I could just ignore her and not pay even that.

And then this woman threatened to contact my university and tell all about our little deal unless I paid what she wanted. I panicked and could not come up with a better solution than to comply and pray this would be the end of the whole story.

Fortunately, it was, and I swore to myself never to use Craigslist essay writing or any other type of academic help.

Before writing this article to warn anyone planning on placing a take my online class Craigslist ad, I decided to check whether other people had a similar experience here.

And yes, they did. There was a Reddit post by a student whose ad was noticed by his professor who got very angry and sent him an email demanding to come clean or he would do his best to identify him and make him regret looking for such help.

Others were just scammed out of their money or personal information, and most of those who did get what they ordered were dissatisfied with the quality of the services.

So, Craigslist is really not a good place to look for help with your online tests or assignments.

Is There Any Better Alternative?

I kept looking for reliable homework help and realized that there are services that are much better for this purpose.

Instead of posting a request on Craigslist, Facebook, Twitter, or some other places where it can also be seen by your professor, I now seek help from trustworthy companies that have very clear guarantees like SpeedyPaper, PaperHelp, and some others.

I wanted to make sure I always had a back-up option, so I tested out some writing services until I had a few that completely satisfied me. You will find my top choices below.

While they are all reliable and employ professionals who will not disappoint you, you may find some differences and prefer some sites over the other.

I'm sad of course that I didn't discover them right away and had to have the awful experience, but hopefully, now you won't have to go through the same ordeal.

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